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Plastic-Free Tuesdays: One day a week of no plastic consumption and no plastic waste.

Writer's picture: taitokerautimebanktaitokerautimebank

Kirihou kore! Kia kotahi te rangi i ia wiki. Kawea ake!

Plastic-Free Tuesday is a challenge not to buy anything that is made of plastic or contains plastic. We also don’t use anything made of plastic that we have to throw away after using it. So no bananas wrapped in plastic, no plastic bags, no take-away coffee in plastic cups, and so on.

For Tuesday, 15th May 2018, Para Kore are encouraging all their whānau and supporters to be go Plastic-Free for the day. Be part of our movement as we get ready for Plastic Free July – a whole month without plastics. This is about looking after Papatūānuku and Ranginui – caring for our environment. By ‘attending’ this Facebook event, you are showing your support and commit to go Plastic-Free with your whānau on 15th May 2018. Even better, make every Tuesday Plastic Free!


Plastic can cause harm in many ways. It clogs our oceans, injures and kills birds and marine mammals, causes air pollution when burnt, poisons our food when entering the food chain through fish, and endangers our health when we enjoy food and our environment.

Disposable plastic products are a big chunk of our household waste stream. It cost a lot of money to manage and process the waste from our daily take away coffee or the plastic bags that we use for our veggies at the grocery store. The world would be a much better place if we would spend that money on health care and education.


Alternatives to plastic are plenty. There are so many wonderful non-plastic materials out there: cotton, linen, glass, steel, wood, hemp fibre, and many more! Especially when re-used, these alternatives contribute to a healthy planet, healthy people, and healthy animals.

The benefits of having a Plastic-Free Tuesday are countless and go beyond a healthy planet. Refusing to buy or discard plastic opens our eyes to stores, products, materials, and even people that you have never seen before.

What can I do?

Share your Plastic-Free Tuesday using #PlasticFreeTuesday on social media. Please like and share them on Facebook. Invite your whānau and friends to the Para Kore Facebook event and share away. And of course, go as plastic free as you can!

More information?

For more information about their kaupapa Para Kore are on Facebook and have a website  Our local Para Kore kaiārahi working with marae, kura and kohanga reo is Jared Hiakita

The Plastic-Free Tuesday and Plastic Free July Facebook pages and websites have some really great resources too

and of course there’s The Rubbish Trip:  who came to Kaitaia last year.

Text adapted from Para Kore’s Facebook page


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